Ecosystems: Species Interaction Matchmaker
HW: [1] Finish 16 flashcards. [2] Complete Crossword Puzzle.
CW: Species Interaction Matchmaker Activity Handout completed. (Skipped due to time.)
DN: Create INGO sheet then fill in by randomly selecting 16 words. (Ecosystems, Individual, Mutual, Symbiotic, Biotic, Abiotic, Producer, Habitat, Community, Decomposer, Predator/Prey, Competitive, Commensal, Parasitic, Independent & Dependent variable)
Reminder: [1] Ecosystems & Interactions Quiz on Wednesday [2] CER & Experimental Design Quiz Retakes on Thursday. [3] Last day for Wheel Project is Monday (9/30) without penalty. [4] Safety & Policy Quiz Retakes during Friday Tutorial. [5] Make sure your notebook is updated before the notebook check. (p1 Safety Contract, p3 Trends in Data, p4-5 Science 101, p6 CER, p10 Do Nows, p16 Diagram, p17 Notes [+3 Margin Qs and Paragraph Summary], p18 Biotic & Abiotic Drawing, p20 Interactions Table, and p21 Notes [+3 Margin Qs and Paragraph Summary]
Species Interaction Matchmaker Activity Handouts (Not accessible online. Copies available in class.)
5min> Students complete the Do Now by making INGO sheet.
10min INGO review. AFTER students write definitions on the backs and cut out to make flashcards.
Skipped to Finish Presentations.
5min> Teacher explains the Species Interaction Matchmaker activity and distributes handouts.
5min> Students work in pairs and cut out and form matches between species by reading each organism’s personal.
5min> Quick class overview of the pairs and interactions. (Optional: Students identify the interaction and add +, -, or 0 to each organism.)
5min How to answer short answer questions. (Answer. Definition. Explantion.)
5min> Homework: Students complete the ecosystem crossword without their notes, as much as possible. Then with their notes.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Identify interactions between species as either competitive, mutual, parasitic, or commensal interaction between species and provide reasoning.