Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: Puppet Plays (Performance)


  • HW: Turn in Photo-Documentation 1 (Start) for ReUse Project.

  • DN: Where does photosynthesis happen?

  • Reminders: If you didn’t present today, you will present tomorrow. You must present with your group to get credit. Otherwise you will have to do a separate puppet play performance.


ReUse Project Handout (v2.4)

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Basic Review Handout


5min Students complete the Do Now.

10min Puppet Play Planning & Preparation. Students finish making puppets, props, backdrop slideshows, and script for their puppet show. Teacher goes to each group and makes sure they understand the key ideas that need to be addressed in the play..

Scenario 1: A plant that has grown under a tree is upset that it hasn’t grown as much as a plant that is under direct sunlight. (Keywords: Water, CO2, Energy/Light, Photosynthesis, Sugar) Remember that plants are made of sugar, technically cellulose a polymer of sugar.
Scenario 2: Two animals wake up in the morning, one returns to sleep while the other stay awake and active. Twelve hours later the active animal is tired and sleepy while the previously sleeping animal is fine and not hungry at all. (Keywords: Sugar, Oxygen, Cellular Respiration, Energy) Make sure to point out what energy is used for and where we get our sugar from.
Scenario 3: A chloroplast and mitochondria meet and argue about which is better. Or they could be friendly towards each other, students choice. (Keywords: Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, CO2, O2, Sugar, Water, Energy)

10min Puppet Play Practice. Students practice their performances. Make changes, fix problems, and become familiar with sequence/choreography of performance.

15min Puppet Play Presentations. (Volunteers first.)

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: Puppet Plays (Ketchup Day)


Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: Puppet Plays (Plan)