ReUse Project Presentations (Day 1 of 3)
CW/HW: Photosynth. & Cell Resp. Vocab Flashcards.
DN: Make and illustration for photosynthesis. (What goes in and what comes out?)
Reminders: Make sure to make changes to your presentations and commercials before you present for maximum credit.
5min Students start on the Do Now.
15-20min ReUse Project Presentations. Students give a short presentation on the environmental impact of plastic, fabric, cardboard, or rubber and introduce their ReUse products. Students commercials are shown after their presentations. (Students complete review worksheet between presentations.)
10min INGO. Class plays one round of INGO. Teacher goes over vocabulary words used for INGO game. Class plays multiple games of INGO.
5min Flashcards. Students turn INGO sheet into 16 flashcards with definitions on the back. (PHOTOSYNTHESIS, MITOCHONDRIA, H2O, CELLULOSE, AIR, CHLOROPLAST, CO2, SUGAR, STARCH, PLANTS, CELL. RESP., O2, ENERGY (ATP), ENERGY (light), Plants & Animals, and Move/Think/ Grow/Repair)
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.