Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Trophic Cascade Effects

HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Project. (No repeat examples.)

CW: Completed Trophic Cascade - Wolves & Sea Otters worksheet.

DN: What is a tertiary consumer?

Reminders: [1] Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8). [2] Late Wheel Projects are due Friday.


  • HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Project. (No repeat examples.)

  • CW: Completed Trophic Cascade - Wolves & Sea Otters worksheet.

  • DN: What is a tertiary consumer?

  • Reminders: [1] Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8). [2] Late Wheel Projects are due Friday.


Completed Trophic Cascade - Wolves & Sea Otters worksheet


Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

5min< Watch How Wolves Change Rivers video.

5min Mark worksheet indicating which species increased or decreased in population.

5min Teacher demonstrates how to draw food webs based on population (bigger letters for bigger numbers).

5min Students draw new food web that includes wolves.

10min Students explain the changes to the wolves population and add a new line that shows changes to the deer populations during the same time.

5min Watch Army of Sea Urchins & Forest Guardians videos.

5min Complete drawings before (w/o otters) and after (w/ otters).

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Food Webs, Food Chains, & Trophic Cascades

HW: Work on ecosystem vocabulary project.

CW: [1] Completed note handouts on page 23 and 25 of the notebook. [2] Completed diagram and food chain/web on page 22. [3] Completed paragraph summary (p25) and 3 margin questions.

DN: Take copies of handouts and glue into notebook.

Reminders: Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8)


  • HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Project.

  • CW: [1] Completed note handouts on page 23 and 25 of the notebook. [2] Completed diagram and food chain/web on page 22. [3] Completed paragraph summary (p25) and 3 margin questions.

  • DN: Take copies of handouts and glue into notebook.

  • Reminders: [1] Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8). [2] Late Wheel Projects are due Friday.


Food Webs, Food Chains, & Trophic Levels Diagram

Food Webs, Food Chains, & Trophic Levels Notes Handouts

Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now.

20min Food Web, Food Chains, Trophic Cascades Notes.

5min Complete Food Web, Food Chains, Trophic Cascades Diagram.

5min> Glue handouts and diagrams into the notebook.

5min Use completed diagram to write paragraph summary.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Mini Project: Chuck-Ken Trap

CW: Start Chuck-Ken Trap Design.Draw your design for a Chuck-Ken trap that uses things around your home. (The Chuck-Ken must PULL/TAKE the bait to set off the trap.) You are not building it, yet.

DN: Review for the quiz.


  • CW: Start Chuck-Ken Trap Design.Draw your design for a Chuck-Ken trap that uses things around your home. (The Chuck-Ken must PULL/TAKE the bait to set off the trap.) You are not building it, yet.

  • DN: Review for the quiz.


Semi-Banned Unoriginal Chuck-Ken Trap Design (Don’t use it! Be original.)


10min Students complete the Do Now by reviewing for the quiz.

5min Teacher introduces the Chuck-Ken Trap Mini Project with a video and then outlines guidelines for the project including: The Chuck-Ken must PULL/TAKE the bait to set off the trap. Teacher shows ‘the unoriginal design’ that is semi-banned - students can use it or a version of it, but they will be penalized for doing so.

20min Nitrogen Cycle Quiz.

10min Students begin working on their design for their trap. Teacher offers tips and possible additional materials they could use like rubber bands, bungee cords, balloons, and magnets.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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