Rock Recollection: Every Rock Has A Story
- CW/HW: Mini-Book Story about an Igneous Rock and their voyage through the rock cycle. (Start as an igneous rock and end as an igneous rock. 3 Illustrations + Key Vocabulary. Bonus point if it rhymes.)
- CW: 7 Word crossword puzzles + Clues
- DN: Place 7 words in crossword format from the Rock Cycle?
- EQ: How can rocks change and reform to make new rocks with new properties?
- Note: Turn in missing storyboards (from video project) by Friday.
- Super Awesome Special: Two Nickels + Two Dimes + Five Pennies
5min< Students complete the Do Now and attendance is taken. Collect Xtra Credit Projects.
10min< Students complete crossword puzzles by writing clues and erasing answers.
5min Demonstration: How to make a mini-book.
5min Student work on scripts (follow storyboard) for First Video Project.
5min Outline details for Mini-Book Story of Rock. (First or Third Person + 3 Illustrations + Key Vocabulary + Title + Rock Themed Name + Bonus for Rhyming)
10min< Students work on Mini-Book Story
5min> Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Students will create a story around a rock as it goes through the rock cycle that includes key vocabulary terms and illustrations.