Final Review + Presentations (Day 5 of 8)


  • HW: Practice your 2 minute presentations. (Reused material is made/used/thrown away every year.* Resource. Renewable or nonrenewable. Resource is used a year.* Water used.* Animals harmed or killed.*) Only people who turned it in on time will be allowed to present in pairs (optional).

  • CW: Friday Final Review Questions. Write 1 multiple-choice question for each topic covered this year. (1. Safety 2. Experimental Design 3. Ecosystems 4. Interactions 6. Trendlines 5. Trophic Levels 7. Cycling of Matter 8. Phase Changes 9. Rock Cycle 10. Plate Tectonics 11. Continental Drift 12. Organization of Matter 13. Chemical Reactions 14. Polymers 15. Biodiversity 16. Resources 17. Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration)

  • DN: First presenter of the day, log into your account and open your slideshow.

  • Reminders: Final on MONDAY (6/17).


Final Review + Presentations (Day 6 of 8)


Final Review + Presentations (Day 4 of 8)