MiniLab: Bounce Height
CW: Complete the Bounce Height MiniLab write up. (Chart/Trendline, Identify the variables & constants, Analysis, Prediction, and Hypothesis.)
DN: Take the handout and identify the independent and dependent variables.
Reminder: Egg Extractor Projects are due Friday.
Example Data for Bounce Height Lab
5min Students complete the Do Now by identifying the variables for the MiniLab.
5min Students practice using Meter Sticks. Measure heights.
5min Teacher outlines the procedures for the MiniLab and distributes materials (bouncy ball).
10-15min Working in pairs, students complete Trials 1-4 and record data. Students also label chart, identify variables, develop their hypothesis, and enter numbers into a spreadsheet to determine averages.
10min Students plot the data and add a trendline. Students discuss the significance of the trendline. Students make a prediction for the bounce height if the ball was dropped from 120cm.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Students perform an experiment to collect, analyze, and interpret the data.
MiniLab: Bounce Height
HW: Complete Interaction Notes (see previous post) by finishing table, adding margin questions, and a paragraph summary.
CW: Complete the Muscle Endurance MiniLab write up. (Chart/Trendline, Identify the variables & constants, Analysis, Prediction, and Hypothesis.)
DN: What’s the difference between independent and dependent variables?
Reminders: Notebook check any day next week.
Example Data for Bounce Height Lab
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.
5min New seating arrangements.
5min Teacher outlines the procedures for the MiniLab and distributes materials (bouncy ball).
10-15min Working in pairs, students complete Trials 1-4 and record data. Students also label chart, identify variables, develop their hypothesis, and enter numbers into a spreadsheet to determine averages.
10min Students plot the data and add a trendline. Students discuss the significance of the trendline. Students make a prediction for the bounce height if the ball was dropped from 120cm.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Students perform an experiment to collect, analyze, and interpret the data.
MiniLab: Muscle Endurance
CW/HW: Complete the Muscle Endurance MiniLab write up. (Chart/Trendline, Identify the variables & constants, Analysis, Prediction, and Hypothesis.)
DN: Write a CER using the ABC method. (A = Pizza, B = Good Flavors, C = Delicious)
Reminders: Quiz tomorrow on Experimental Design and CERs
Muscle Endurance MiniLab Handout
Example Data for Muscle Endurance Lab
5min Students complete the Do Now by writing a CER.
5min Teacher outlines the procedures for the MiniLab and randomly selects participants.
5min Class identifies variables and develops hypothesis
10-15min Trials 1-4 are carried on while students record data. (While waiting, students should start labeling chart and entering numbers into a spreadsheet to determine averages.)
10min Students plot the data and add a trendline. Students discuss the significance of the trendline.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Students perform an experiment to collect, analyze, and interpret the data.