Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Review: Short Answers


  • HW: 20 Flashcards (Trophic Levels + Everything Ecology)
  • CW: Edited short answer responses to 4 key questions using appropriate vocabulary.
  • DN: Complete the trophic level energy pyramid by labeling, completing the biomass, and estimating the number of Chuchu-Kens. (Visual: Energy pyramid with 50,000kg biomass at producer level.)
  • EQ: How do energy determine the shape of trophic levels, the number and eating habits of organisms?


5min< Students complete the Do Now and attendance is taken. Students share answers.

5min< Short Answer 1: Why do we eat?

5min< Pair Share. Share with class. Teacher adds suggestions for improvements.

5min< Short Answer 2: Why is it better for the world for humans to be vegan/vegetarian?

5min< Pair Share. Share with class. Teacher adds suggestions for improvements.

5min< Short Answer 3: How do food webs and food chains differ?

5min< Pair Share. Share with class. Teacher adds suggestions for improvements.

5min< Short Answer 4: Why do cold-blooded animals (snakes, lizards, etc.) have to eat less often than warm-blooded animals (like us)?

5min< Pair Share. Share with class. Teacher adds suggestions for improvements.

5min< Clean up. Wrap up.

AIM: Students will write short paragraphs that define, support, and use appropriate vocabulary to explain how energy determines the shape of trophic levels, the number of organisms and the organisms' eating habits.


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