Experiments 101: Scenarios
HW: [1] Science Experiments 101- Working Backwards. (Note: You don’t have to fill in the data tables. Use your notes.) [2] Practice video projects are due today. (Storyboards should have been turned in at the start of the period to be on time.)
CW: Science Experiments 101- Scenarios 1 & 2
DN: Take handouts and write your name on each.
Note: Retakes for safety and course outline this Wednesday at lunch.
Science Experiments 101: Scenarios
Science Experiments 101: Working Backwards
5min Students complete do now.
5min Storyboards are collected. Teacher reminds students to turn in videos and provides tech tips.
10min< Choir reading of scenario 1 of Science Experiments 101: Scenarios. In groups, students identify the variables, state the hypothesis, and determine the question with teacher guidance.
10min< Choir reading of scenario 2. In pairs, students identify the variables, state the hypothesis, and determine the question. Check answers as a class.
10min As a class, students identify the variables, state the hypothesis, and determine the question from Table 1 of Science Experiments 101: Working Backwards.
5min Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Complete an experiment and identify the variables, state the hypothesis, and determine the question the experiment answers.