Gachuzee Gachuzee

Safety in the Science Classroom


  • HW: (1) Write 4 multiple-choice safety questions (separate sheet of paper). (2) Signed safety contract and course outline.

  • CW: Start on safety questions.

  • EQ: What are the safety guidelines when working in a lab?


Safety Contract & Multiple Choice Questions

Haiku Worksheet (for Notebook)



5min< Overview of the Haiku rules.

5min< Finding what's wrong with Haiku A & B. Individual, share with pairs, then class discussion.

10min Students write a Haiku. Share with class.

5min> Students watch lab safety video.

15min Identification of safety equipment and location in the classroom. Overview the use of eyewash and fire extinguisher. Overview lab safety contract.

5min Demonstrate format for multiple choice question Students write 4 multiple choice questions on safety. Finish for homework. Wrap up.

AIM: Students can outline the safety rules and locations of safety equipment.

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Gachuzee Gachuzee

Safety: What NOT to Do

Quick View

  • HW: Practice Project. (1) Create storyboards for a How To Video - simple 1-step such as making toast or chocolate milk. Include detailed notes (shot type, action, topic, materials). Use example from the notes as a template. (2) Film and edit together. (3) Turn in via Google Classroom ONLY by Friday 9/6. Work solo or in pairs.

  • CW: Complete What NOT to Do mini book.

  • DN: Make a mini book.

  • EQ: What are the consequences of not following safety rules and procedures?


Blank Storyboard

How to... Example Storyboard


Lesson Outline

5min< Students complete the Do Now and make a mini book. (Example of steps on the board.)

10min Practice Video Project instructions and expectations. Recap of using example storyboards as a template for How To Video.

5min< Teacher outlines expectations. (Focus is on possible consequence of not following rules) Provide examples and possible consequences - pool from students.

15min< Students work on What Not To Do mini book by writing 4 things not to do and illustrating the consequences.

5min Mini books are collected. Clean up. Wrap up.

AIM: Students will illustrate consequences of not following safety rules to demonstrate their importance and significance.

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