Scientific Testing: Day 2 of 2


  • CW/HW: Turn in table and summary of results.

  • Reminder: Nitrogen Cycle & Worm Anatomy Quiz retakes tomorrow and Wednesday at lunch.


Scientific Testing Version 1

Sample Data for Scientific Testing Day 2


5min Students complete the Do Now by writing the alphabet in cursive.

5min Scientific Test 1: Students write the alphabet in cursive for 1 minute and repeat again with non-dominant hand.

10min> Data is entered into table for a t-test, p-value is interpreted to determine if the results are significantly different (0.05 or less) or probably not different (over 0.05).

5min Scientific Test 2: Students pair up and toss a rubber ball 10 times back and forth keeping track how many times they caught the ball. Students repeat while closing one eye the entire time.

10min> Data is entered into table for a t-test, p-value is interpreted to determine if the results are significantly different (0.05 or less) or probably not different (over 0.05).

5min Students write a summary of the results and turn in completed spreadsheet.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


Phases of Matter: Introduction & Exploration


Scientific Testing: Notes