Biodiversity: Potatoes
CW: [1] Potato Video Notes p70 [2] Potato Biodiversity Calculations p72.
DN: What are three types of diversity?
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
5min> Video 1. Student write down facts from the video p70.
5min> Video 2. Student write down facts from the video p70.
5min> Video 3. [First 5min Only] Student write down facts from the video p20.
5min Biodiversity Example Drawings and Calculations. Students calculate the biodiversity for a desert area (p72).
5min Potato Biodiversity Drawings and Calculations for Europe vs S. America. Students calculate the biodiversity for a potato farm in Europe and S. America during the Potato Famine caused by blight (p72). Why did blight destroy most of the potatoes in Europe but not South America?
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.