Chemistry: Plastics
CW/HW: [1] Video notes on Plastics (p60) [2] Complete Know-A-Plastic slideshow and quick presentation.
DN: What’s the difference between monomers and polymers.
Reminders: Atom Model Video Projects due next week.
5min< Students complete the Do Now.
10min Video Notes on Plastics. Students write down key ideas/facts from videos (p60). Quick discussion after.
15min Know-A-Plastic Group Presentation. Students make a quick presentation on a specific plastic (PET/PETE, Polystyrene, PVC, HDPE, LDPE, PMMA, Nylon) using a provided template. (Must follow ‘Good’ presentation rules and include URLs.)
5min Students practice presentations.
10min> Presentations. (Easier grading for first groups with feedback.)
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.