Chemistry: Visual Definitions


  • CW/HW: [1] Physical vs Chemical Changes MiniPoster [2] Formula Meaning MiniPoster.

  • DN: In a chemical reaction, how do you know there was a colour change?

  • EQ: What are the signs of a chemical reaction?


5min Students complete the Do Now.

15-20min Physical vs Chemical MiniPoster. Students pick 3 to Illustrate with color for each category. Divide the poster in half. Label the top of the left side ‘Physical Change’ and the right side ‘Chemical Change’ or ‘Chemical RXN.’ The less detail in your drawing the more labeling and explaining you will have to do.

Physical: (Same Atoms, Same Molecules) Melting, Freezing, Folding, Mixing, Sliced, Diced, Boiling.

Chemical: (Same Atoms, NEW Molecules) Signs include: Change in Smell, Formation of a Gas, Formation of a Solid, Change in Color, Change in Temp.

10min Formula Meaning MiniPoster. Students explain what the numbers mean in a formula as well as what not having a number means for H2O vs CH4 vs O2H2.

Example: H2O, The ‘H’ stands for Hydrogen, the ‘2’ means there are two Hydrogen, and the ‘O’ stands for only one Oxygen since there isn’t a number after.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


Chemistry: DHMO CER


Chemistry: Balancing Chemical RXN