Cycles of Matter: Decomposers (Nitrogen)
CW/HW: Turn in Decomposer SMA via Google Classroom.
DN: What’s the difference in roles between big and microscopic decomposers?
Reminder: Last day to turn in missing projects is Monday.
Stop Motion Studio App (Apple)
Decomposers SMA Outline Diagram
Lesson Outline
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.
5min Teacher outlines how to do the Decomposers SMA.
5min> Students are placed in groups of three with equal distribution of technology.
15-20min Students create the parts and labels needed for the SMA. Then they animate the pieces and turn in video via Google Classroom.
10min Students write a summary for the SMA based on the nitrogen cycle explaining how nitrogen cycles between protein and nitrogen compounds.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.