Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Worms (Decomposers)

CW: Video notes. Paragraph summary.

DN: How do worms move?

Reminders: Late projects due on Monday.


  • CW: Video notes. Paragraph summary.

  • DN: How do worms move?

  • Reminders: Late projects due on Monday.


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

5min Students watch video 1 and take notes. Discussion afterwards.

5min Students watch video 2 and take notes. Discussion afterwards.

5min Students watch video 3 and take notes. Discussion afterwards.

5min Students write a paragraph summary on the role of worms and decomposers.

10min Students label the BIG Paper Worm Model diagram in their notebook, p26. (Copies available in class only.)

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Paper Worm

CW: [1] Completed Big Worm Model. [2] Completed labeled diagrams of worm parts, with colored in circulatory and digestive system parts (p27).

DN: What do worms eat?


  • CW: [1] Completed Big Worm Model. [2] Completed labeled diagrams of worm parts, with colored in circulatory and digestive system parts (p26).

  • DN: What do worms eat?


BIG Worm Model, Key, & Diagrams (Not available online.)

Lesson Outline

20min BIG Worm Model Assembly (Not available online). Students assemble the BIG Worm Model and color in the circulatory system (dark gray to red), the digestive system (light gray to blue/green/brown), and the nervous system (yellow or orange).

15min Diagrams & Key. Students glue in the key (p27) and label the diagrams (p26) using the BIG Worm Model as reference.

10min Review of worm anatomy.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Carbon and Human Activity

CW: Draw carbon cycle map before and after human activity. Summary paragraph on changes.

DN: What do Nitrogen-Fixing bacteria do? (Look at your Nitrogen Cycle.)

EQ: How does human activity change the Carbon Cycle?

Reminder: Turn in your Ecosystem Video Projects. You can still get a B (even an A if you do the bonuses) if you turn it in by Monday.


  • CW: Draw carbon cycle map before and after human activity. Summary paragraph on changes.

  • DN: What do Nitrogen-Fixing bacteria do? (Look at your Nitrogen Cycle.)

  • EQ: How does human activity change the Carbon Cycle?

  • Reminder: Turn in your Ecosystem Video Projects. You can still get a B (even an A if you do the bonuses) if you turn it in by Monday.

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

5min Teacher outlines procedures for Carbon Cycle Map activity and distributes dice.

10min> Students run through Carbon Cycle activity without human activity.

5min> Discussion on results of activity.

10min> Students run through Carbon Cycle activity with human activity.

5min Discussion on results of activity. Students summarize changes.

5min Review of worm anatomy.

5min< Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Nitrogen (N)

CW: Completed notes with margin questions (p29) and completed diagram (p28), and paragraph summary (p28).

DN: What is protein? How do you get it?

EQ: How do nitrogen atoms cycle through different organisms and places?

Reminders: Ecosystem Vocabulary Video due TODAY!!! Turn in only via schoology.


  • CW: Completed notes with margin questions (p29) and completed diagram (p28), and paragraph summary (p28).

  • DN: What is protein? How do you get it?

  • EQ: How do nitrogen atoms cycle through different organisms and places?

  • Reminders: Ecosystem Vocabulary Videos are due TODAY!!! Turn in only via schoology.


Nitrogen Cycle Diagram Handout

Cycles of Matter (The Nitrogen Cycle) Notes Handout

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by setting up their notebooks.

20min Cycles of Matter (The Nitrogen Cycle) Notes.

5min Students answer essential question in a paragraph summary.

5min Students share paragraphs and write margin questions.

5min Decomposer Video 1

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Quiz: Trophic Levels

HW: [1] Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday (10/15). [2] Fix your Invasive Species Slides.

DN: Review for your quiz.

Reminders: If you need help editing or filming please come in at lunch. We have people who can help as well as equipment you can use.


  • HW: [1] Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday (10/15). [2] Fix your Invasive Species Slides.

  • DN: Review for your quiz.

  • Reminders: If you need help editing or filming please come in at lunch. We have people who can help as well as equipment you can use.


Presentation Slides: Bad Example, Good Example 1, & Good Example 2.

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

15min Trophic Levels Quiz.

5min How to Present. Quick overview on strategies for presenting well even if you’re nervous.

15min Invasive Species Presentations. Students give a ‘Good’ presentation on an invasive species (Lion Fish, Zebra Mussels, Cats, Pigeons, Pythons - the ones in Florida, Feral Pigs, Fire Ants, or Cane Toads). All slides must include a URL to show the origin of the information.

Title and Names of Group Members
1. Invasive Species Scientific Name
2.Origin (Where did it come from?)
3. Current Location (Where is it now?)
4. Why?/How? (How did it get there?)
5. Damage 1 (How is it hurting animals, crops, buildings, etc.?)
6. Damage 2 (How is it hurting animals, crops, buildings, etc.?)
7. Solutions/Control (How do we keep to population in check?)

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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