Ecosystems: Puppet Show Interactions (Planning)


  • CW/HW: Finish scripts and puppets for Symbiotic Puppet Show. Turn in scripts and backdrop slides via Google Classroom. Everything is due at the start of tomorrow’s class.

  • DN: Name 1 abiotic and 1 biotic factor in the classroom. (Answer on p10 in notebook. Don’t forget to write down the dates.)

  • EQ: How do members of different species interact with each other?


Species Interactions Puppet Project Handout


5min> Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

5min Teacher outlines the rubric for the Puppet Show and provides hints and tips for better outcomes.

5min Teacher assigns each group a species pair from a competitive, mutual, parasitic, or commensal interaction.

20min Students research species pair, identify biotic and abiotic factors, create puppets, make props, create a backdrop slideshow, and write a script for their puppet show which addresses the points in the rubric.

5min Students sign their group contract for what they well finish before the start of the next class.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

AIM: Create a puppet show that models a competitive, mutual, parasitic, or commensal interaction between species.


Ecosystems: Puppet Show Interactions (Practice)


Ecosystems: Interactions