Final Review: Day 3
CW/HW: Make 16 Flashcards with Illustrations that help define the term more clearly.
DN: When is the final? The last notebook check?
Reminders: Final is on Tuesday (6/11) and Notebook Check (6/12) - if you are leaving early, you must schedule to take the final and turn in your notebook before you leave.
5min Students complete the Do Now.
15min 16 Flashcards - vocabulary words on the front, definitions and illustrations on the back. (energy, predator/prey, competitive, commensal, parasitic, mutual, symbiotic, rock, minerals, lava, magma, sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic, melting, vaporization, freezing, condensation, solid, gas, liquid). Students select words of their choice.
15min Vocabulary Charades.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.