Phases of Matter: Notes


  • CW/HW: [1] Finish paragraph summary in notebook (use diagram 2 on p36). Add margin questions and highlights/color to notes. [2] Completed Invention Design (Color, Invention Name, Price, Slogan, Design Details)

  • DN: Label p32-34 as Do Now and glue diagram handout to p36 and notes to p37.

  • Reminders: Friday is last day of Q1. Turn in missing projects and make up quizzes.

  • EQ: How does energy influence matter?


Phase Changes Notes Handout

Phase Changes Diagram Handout

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by labeling and attaching notes.

15min Phase Change Notes.

15min Complete paragraph summaries, margin questions, and finish adding highlights/color to notes.

10min Invention Design. Students select two random items and they combine to make a new invention. Students add color; give a name to the invention; add a price; add a slogan; and label some key design features.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


Lab Skills: Making Measuring Tools


Phases of Matter: Introduction & Exploration