Phases of Matter: States & Phases StopMotion Animation


  • CW: Stop Motion Animation turned in via schoology.

  • DN: Bring your own technology. (Stop Motion Studio App.)


Flask & Thermometer (for SMA)

Stop Motion Studio App (Apple)

Stop Motion Studio App (Android)


5min Students complete the Do Now by describing the particles of a solid and a gas.

5min Teacher organizes students into pairs for access to technology.

10-15min Practice Animations. Teacher demonstrates how to make an object appear like its moving slow, fast, and slow-to-fast using the Stop Motion Studio App. Students start on their Moving Object SMA that shows an object moves slow, fast, and slow-to-fast.

10-15min Solid-Liquid-Gas Animation. Working in pairs or groups of three, students complete animate 12-16 particle transitioning between solid, liquid and gas. Animation includes labels (solid, melting, liquid, vaporization, and gas).

Animation Sequence:

Title (5pics) - with everyone’s names
Solid (12pics) - every particles jiggles
Melting (15pics) - a few particles at a time gain more freedom
Liquid (12pics) - all particles slide past each other
Vaporization (15pics) - a few particles at a time gain more freedom
Gas (12pics) - particles move in straight line until they collide

Turn in via schoology.

5min Review videos.

5min Clean up. Wrap up.


Quiz: Phase Changes & States of Matter


Phases of Matter: Cheers