Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: Calories
CW/HW: Completed Burn If Off Slideshow with Time Calculations (via Google Classroom)
DN: ___SO + ___HF —> ___SF2 + ___H2O
Reminders: Work on your projects. Plastic must be at least two layers thick and fused together. Make sure to glue cardboard with grain going perpendicular to the previous layer of cardboard.
Burn it Off Slideshow (Schoology)
5min Students complete the Do Now.
10min Eat the Cookie? Students decide whether to eat or not eat a cookie. If they eat the cookie, they automatically are volunteering the next activity. Followed by a quick discussion on calories and energy.
5min Burn It Off. Teacher shows how to calculate the amount of time it will take to burn off the calories in different food with different activities.
10min Students complete the Burn it Off slideshow by completed calculations.
10min Class discussion on Food and Exercise.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.