Plate Tectonics: Cracker & Ketchup Models
HW: Finish your Chuck-Ken Trap Video Project - due Monday.
CW: Plate Tectonics - Cracker & Ketchup Models Slideshow turned in via Schoology.
DN: Draw a face on your index (pointer) finger.
EQ: What are the characteristics of each boundary?
Reminder: To avoid building a Low Grade design have the door swing up to shut and don’t connect the bait directly to the door.
Chuck-Ken Trap Video Project Rubric
Chuck-Ken Trap (Low Grade) Design Example
5min Students complete the Do Now by clearing and cleaning tables.
5min Teacher distributes materials.
20min Plate Tectonics - Cracker & Ketchup Models. Teacher demonstrates how to make a digital character and overviews the assignment. Students recreate the ‘transform’ example, add arrows, labels, and a brief description (already done). Students then model the other boundaries with crackers and ketchup making sure their digital character is in each photo. (Tip: Take all the photos first and then add the arrows, labels, and brief description.)
10min Clear tables. Wipe tables. Dry tables.
5min Wrap up.