Plate Tectonics: StopMotion Animation
HW: Review for quiz.
CW: Plate Tectonics StopMotion Animation turned in via schoology.
DN: Which way is convection? (Tectonic plate is going right.)
5min Students complete the Do Now by describing the particles of a solid and a gas.
5min Teacher organizes students into pairs for access to technology.
10-15min Plate Tectonics StopMotion Animation. Working in pairs or groups of three, students complete animate two tectonic plates (made from Play-Doh) above the mantle (orange construction paper) and two convection currents (paper circles with arrows) underneath in the mantle.
Animation Sequence:
Title (5pics) - ‘Plate Tectonics’ with all names underneath.
Convergent w/o Subduction (20pics) - Show large mountain formation. Don’t tilt the plates have them smoosh together to make mountains.
Convergent with Subduction (20pics) - Show small mountain and trench formation. The plate on top will form a mountain as the other goes under.
Divergent (10pics) - Don’t forget to change the direction of the convection.
Turn in via schoology.
5min Review videos.
5min Clean up. Wrap up.