Rock Cycle: Crystal Structures
HW: Start working on your projects. (Pair due Monday, 12/2. Solo due Monday, 12/9.) Look up Rube Goldberg machines for inspiration.
CW: Crystals Mini-Book with Cooled Fast, Cooled Slow, Basic Cube, Body Centered Cube, and Face Centered Cube
DN: Take a blank sheet of paper and make a mini-book. Draw a crystal on the cover and add title.
Reminders: [1] Pairs that miss the due date will have to turn in Solo projects. Additionally, Low Grade Designs will not be accepted. [2] To avoid building a Low Grade design have the door swing up to shut and don’t connect the bait directly to the door.
5min Students complete the Do Now by making mini-book with ‘Crystals’ as title and cover art.
5min Teacher distributes marshmallows and toothpicks.
20min Crystal Structures. Students build models for the basic, body-centered, and face-centered cubes (cubic structures). Examples are added to mineral book.
10min Little Crystals vs Big Crystals. Students model fast vs slow cooling by only being given a short amount of time to connect marshmallows to each other with toothpicks. Examples are added to mineral mini-book.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.