Final Review: Day 6
HW: Completed Final Review Worksheet #2
CW: Completed Final Review Worksheet #1
DN: Is this good biodiversity? (1 Lettuce, 1 Beet, 1 Carrot, 1 Cabbage, and 1 Green Onion)
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook. [2] Last day to turn in late projects or complete missed quizzes is this Friday.
HW: Completed Final Review Worksheet #2
CW: Completed Final Review Worksheet #1
DN: Is this good biodiversity? (1 Lettuce, 1 Beet, 1 Carrot, 1 Cabbage, and 1 Green Onion)
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook. [2] Last day to turn in late projects or complete missed quizzes is this Friday.
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
5min Schedule Outline: Teacher goes through the schedule for the rest of the week. Reminds students that the final is a requirement.
15min Students complete Final Review Worksheet #1
5min Review answers with class.
10min Students work on Final Review Worksheet #2
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Review: Day 5
CW: Completed worksheets.
DN: Get 4 or 5 stars on Level 1 of simulation.
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook. [2] Last day to turn in late projects or complete missed quizzes is this Friday.
CW: Completed worksheets.
DN: Get 4 or 5 stars on Level 1 of simulation.
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook. [2] Last day to turn in late projects or complete missed quizzes is this Friday.
Balancing Chemical Equations (Simulation)
5min Students complete the Do Now.
5min Check off classwork and homework from prior day.
10min Skill Review. Teacher goes over skills with class by solving an example problem of each type.
15min Students complete Chemistry Worksheets.
5min Check answers with class.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Review: Day 4
CW/HW: Complete Chemistry (NBWR etc.) Worksheet.
DN: What will you do this summer?
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook. [2] Last day to turn in late projects or complete missed quizzes is this Friday.
CW/HW: Complete Chemistry (NBWR etc.) Worksheet.
DN: What will you do this summer?
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook. [2] Last day to turn in late projects or complete missed quizzes is this Friday.
Chemistry - Naming, Bonding, Weights, Review, etc.
5min Students complete the Do Now.
10min Skill Review. Teacher goes over skills with class by solving an example problem of each type. Chemistry (NBWR etc.) Worksheet.
15min Students complete Chemistry (NBWR etc.) Worksheet.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Review: Day 3
CW/HW: Make 16 Flashcards with Illustrations that help define the term more clearly.
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook.
CW/HW: Make 16 Flashcards with Illustrations that help define the term more clearly.
Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook.
5min Students complete the Do Now.
15min INGO. Students add vocabulary words (convergent, divergent, transform, subduction, convection, trench, crust, Pangea, continental drift, fossil match, paleoclimate, seafloor spreading, shape match, electron, claim, evidence, reasoning, atom, molecule, proton, neutron) on the front, definitions and illustrations on the back. Students select words of their choice.
15min Vocabulary Pictionary
5min Students finish converting INGO sheet into flashcards.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Immune System: Comic Presentations
HW: All plant projects (pictures, time-lapse, SMA, or slideshow) DUE TODAY.
DN: What is purpose/function of antibodies?
HW: All plant projects (pictures, time-lapse, SMA, or slideshow) DUE TODAY.
DN: What is purpose/function of antibodies?
5min Students complete the Do Now.
5min Pick. Students decide which comic to use for the performance - prioritizing accuracy.
10min Practice. Students practice going through their lines and actions based on the comic.
20-25min Performances. Each group brings their selected comic alive by adding narration, speaking in character, and adding sound effects as the comic panels are shown on screen.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.