Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Chemistry: INGO

HW: Use Flashcards to study for Wednesday’s quiz.

CW: Completed INGO board turned into 16 Flashcards.

DN: Make an INGO sheet.

Reminder: Atom Projects due Friday.


  • HW: Use Flashcards to study for Wednesday’s quiz.

  • CW: Completed INGO board turned into 16 Flashcards.

  • DN: Make an INGO sheet.

  • Reminder: Atom Projects due Friday.


Atomic Structure Model Rubric


5min Students complete the Do Now by making INGO Sheet

5min Teacher demonstrates how to make INGO board. Students make and fill in INGO board.

20min INGO. Class plays one round of INGO. Teacher goes over vocabulary words used for INGO game. Class plays multiple games of INGO.

10min Flashcards. Students turn INGO sheet into 16 flashcards with definitions on the back. (ATOMS, MOLECULES, PROTONS, NEUTRONS, ELECTRONS, NUCLEUS, BONDS, Periodic Table, ATOMIC #, ATOMIC MASS/WEIGHT, MATTER, PENTA-, TRI-, MONO-, & MOLECULAR WEIGHT/MASS)

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Chemistry: Doodle Bonds

HW: Start on your project. First step is to identify things that you can use to represent protons, neutrons (same size as protons), electrons (much smaller than protons/neutrons) and make an electron orbit ring.

CW: Complete Chemistry Quick Check worksheet

DN: How are atoms like Lego?


  • HW: Start on your project. First step is to identify things that you can use to represent protons, neutrons (same size as protons), electrons (much smaller than protons/neutrons) and make an electron orbit ring.

  • CW: Complete Chemistry Quick Check worksheet

  • DN: How are atoms like Lego?


Periodic Table of Elements

Atom Model Project (2023)

Chemistry Quick Check


5min Students complete the Do Now by answering question in notebook.

15min Students complete the Chemistry Quick Check worksheet. Class reviews answers.

5min Quick intro to Atom Model Project. (Officially assigned on a later date.)

15min Doodle Bonds. Teacher demonstrates how to connect atoms together to figure out the simplified structure. Multiple examples including: H2, H2O, N2H2, H2CO, H2O2, & N2O2.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Q2 Last Review (Midterm)

HW: Study for the midterm.

CW: Q2 Midterm Review 2.

DN: Take and start on handout.


  • HW: Study for the midterm.

  • CW: Q2 Midterm Review 2.

  • DN: Take and start on handout.


Q2 Midterm Review 2


5min Students complete the Do Now.

20-25min Complete Q2 Midterm Review Handout.

10min Check answers.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Rock Cycle: Mining Minerals

CW/HW: Mined mineral quick slideshow via Google Classroom.

DN: What is mining? (How is done? Why do we do it?)


  • CW/HW: Mined mineral quick slideshow via Google Classroom.

  • DN: What is mining? (How is done? Why do we do it?)



5min Students complete the Do Now by answering question in notebook.

15min Mining Mineral Cookie Simulation. Students mine cookies for chocolate and create waste (tailings).

5min Discussion. Sustainability and environmental impact of mining.

5min Good vs Bad Presentation. Teacher outlines and demonstrates how good and bad slideshow presentations differ. (Reminder)

15min Mining Waste Quick Slideshow. Students select a commonly mined mineral and create a slideshow about its pollution/human impact turned in via Google Classroom

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Final Exam - Part 1

HW: Review for the Part 2 of the Final. (Maybe watched the linked videos.)

Do Now: What the p-value of two groups that are considered different?

Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook.


  • HW: Review for the Part 2 of the Final. (Maybe watched the linked videos.)

  • Do Now: What the p-value of two groups that are considered different?

  • Reminders: [1] Final is on Monday (6/12) and Tuesday (6/13). Last notebook check on Wednesday (6/14). If you will not be here, you must make arrangements to take the Final early and to turn in notebook.



5min Students complete the Do Now.

20-40min Final Part 1

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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