Ecosystems: Vocabulary Quiz
Optional: Find symbiotic pairs that interest you for mutual, commensal, and parasitic interactions. (Otherwise, you will be assigned one tomorrow at random.)
DN: Clear tables, have flashcards out, and fill in bubble sheet.
Lesson Outline
5min> Students complete the Do Now turn by clearing tables, having homework out, and filling in bubble sheets.
5min> Study for quiz.
5min Overview instructions for quiz and distribute materials.
15min Students complete quiz.
5min Go over quiz.
5min Teacher demonstrates step-by-step how to turn in stop motion animation by exporting directly to the Google Classroom app.
5min Overview of the next project (Recommendation: Find organism pairs that interest you for the project.)
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Assess students’ familiarity with basic ecology vocabulary.