Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Review (Day 2 of 2)


  • HW: Use the 10 Flashcards on the Nitrogen Cycle notes you made the previous day and use them to study. Cards will be checked tomorrow.

  • DN: Set up board game.

  • Reminder: Quiz and Notebook Check on Wednesday.


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by setting up board game.

5-10min Students play and troubleshoot own game.

5min Students outline how to play game to other students.

20-25min Students play review board games and rotate between tables every 8 minutes to play different games.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: SMA Plant & Animal (Nitrogen) Growth


  • CW/HW: Turn in Plant and Animal Growth SMA via Google Classroom.

  • DN: Why do animals eat?

  • Reminder: Last day to turn in missing projects is this Friday.


Stop Motion Studio App (Apple)

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

10min Teacher outlines steps for the Plant & Animal (Nitrogen) Growth SMA. Order of Animation (Title Card with Names. Plant Growth SMA: Show 1 of 5 Nitrogen Compounds being absorbed by the roots of the plant where they turn into Protein. After, the plant grows a little. Repeat with the remaining nitrogen compounds until the plant is fully grown. NEW Title Card with Names. Animal Growth SMA: Show an animal eat plants to get protein. After it finishes eating, the animal will get bigger. (At least five size changes.)

10min Students are placed in groups of three with equal distribution of technology.

5min Students organize their groups and delegate tasks to finish both animations on time..

20min Students work on making title cards, labels, and parts for the first stop motion animation. As two students work on filming the first stop motion animation, the third student works on completing the parts for the second. Students film the second animation and third student begins the clean up process. Students turn in completed video clip of both animations via Google Classroom.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Quiz: Cycles of Matter


  • HW: Have fun.

  • DN: Review for the quiz.

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by reviewing notes and flashcards.

5min Distribute quiz materials and bubble sheets. Quick overview of quiz instructions while students fill in bubble sheet.

15min Cycles of Matter quiz.

15min First person checks notebook. Second person double-checks initial score.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Review (Day 1 of 2)


  • CW/HW: [1] Complete board game. [2] Make 10 Flashcards on the Nitrogen Cycle notes.

  • DN: What changes nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas?

  • Reminder: Quiz and Notebook Check on Wednesday.


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

5min Students are placed into groups of 3 or 4.

10min Teacher outlines steps to make a board game. (Minimum 20 cards with questions on the nitrogen cycle notes.)

5min Teacher distributes materials.

25min Students create a board, rules, theme, and question cards for their game.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Worm Dissection


  • CW/HW: Complete dissection slideshow via Google Classroom.

  • DN: Grab a pair of googles. Place all personal items under the table. Tie long hair back.

  • Reminder: Last day to turn in or complete missing projects or quizzes. (Not including the egg extractor.)

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

5min Teacher outlines safety procedures.

5min Teacher outlines dissection, photography, and slideshow procedures.

20min Students dissect worm, identify parts, photograph parts, and add them to a slideshow. (Goggles on at all times.)

5min Teacher outlines clean up procedures.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up. (Goggles off only after everything is cleaned and put away.)

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Cycles of Matter: Merged Cycles


  • HW: Download and install Stop Motion Studio (free) on your phone or tablet. (Optional. Not required.)

  • CW: Complete merged Nitrogen & Carbon Cycle poster. With nitrogen cycle arrows in blue and carbon cycle arrows in red.

  • DN: What is stop motion animation? How is it done?

  • Reminder: Last day for Chuck-Ken Egg Extractor is TOMORROW (11/2) at lunch. No extensions will be given if time runs out. Show up before then to make sure you have enough time.


Stop Motion Studio App (Apple)

Stop Motion Studio App (Android)

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

10min Class discussion on how to make stop motion animations and required software/applications. Students view examples of student work.

5min Teacher explains how to make a merged Nitrogen and Carbon cycle poster.

20min Students draw the parts and labels of the Nitrogen and Carbon cycle. They then add arrows (nitrogen cycle arrows in blue and carbon cycle arrows in red) and color at the end.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Introduction


  • CW: Notebook margin questions (3), completed diagram, and paragraph summary.

  • DN: Label Do Now pages, Table of Contents, and glue diagram onto page 16 of notebook.

  • EQ: What is an ecosystem?


Ecosystem Intro Notes Diagram 


5min Students complete the Do Now by labeling their notebooks.

5min Teacher explains how to organize notebooks with extended margins for questions.

15min Complete notes on pages 17 and 19.

5min Complete diagram on page 16.

5min< Use the completed diagram to write summary paragraph.

5min< Writing margin questions, 3 minimum.

5min Share margin questions and paragraph summaries.

5min Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: The Chuck-Ken Food Web


  • HW: (Required for the Quiz Retake.) Make 12 flashcards based on the vocabulary of Ecosystem and Species Interaction notes - with vocabulary word on the front and definition and examples on the back.

  • CW: Completed Chuck-Ken Food Web Poster

  • DN: Cut out the tiles and color the animals and plants (working in pairs).


Chuck-Ken Food Web Poster Handout (Not accessible online. Copies available in class.)

Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now by taking handout, cutting out tiles, and coloring animals and plants.

10min Teacher outlines instructions for Chuck-Ken Food Web Poster.

10min< Students, working in pairs, assemble food web and add arrows, title, and names.

10min< Students add additional labels (primary, secondary, etc.) and identify the keystone species.

5min Teacher explains requirement task (flashcards) for quiz retake.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Review


  • HW: Make sure your notebook is updated before the notebook check. (p2 Haiku, p3 Trends in Data, p4-5 Science 101, p6 CER, p10 Do Nows, p16 Diagram, p17 Notes [+3 Margin Qs and Paragraph Summary], p18 Biotic & Abiotic Drawing, p20 Interactions Table, and p21 Notes [+3 Margin Qs and Paragraph Summary]

  • CW: Review Games

  • DN: What is an ecosystem?

Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

5min Quick Q&A about the quiz and the notebook check.

5min Teacher explains the rules to the 1st Review Game and places students into groups of three or four.

10-15min Groups compete against others, group members of the same group support each other.

5min Teacher explains the rules to the 2nd Review Game and places students into new groups.

10-15min Groups compete against others, group members of the same group support each other.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

AIM: Review for the upcoming quiz.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Species Interaction Matchmaker


  • HW: Make sure your notebook is updated before the notebook check. (p2 Haiku, p3 Trends in Data, p4-5 Science 101, p6 CER, p10 Do Nows, p16 Diagram, p17 Notes [+3 Margin Qs and Paragraph Summary], p18 Biotic & Abiotic Drawing, p20 Interactions Table, and p21 Notes [+3 Margin Qs and Paragraph Summary]

  • CW: [1] Species Interaction Matchmaker Activity Handout completed. [2] Multiple Choice Qs on Ecosystem notes.

  • DN: What are two examples of a producer and a decomposer?


Species Interaction Matchmaker Activity Handouts (Not accessible online. Copies available in class.)

Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

5min Teacher explains the Species Interaction Matchmaker activity and distributes handouts.

10min Students work in pairs and cut out and form matches between species by reading each organism’s personal.

5min Students identify the interaction and add +, -, or = to each organism.

5min Quick class overview of the pairs and interactions.

5min (Review) Students write 2 multiple-choice questions from ecosystem notes.

5min (Review) Students trade questions.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

AIM: Identify interactions between species as either competitive, mutual, parasitic, or commensal interaction between species and provide reasoning.

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