Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: Heart Beat Song
CW: Short Answers for Heart Beat questions.
DN: Find your pulse and measure your hear rate (bpm).
Reminders: Individual Video Projects (Experiment or Scientific Test) are due on Wednesday (3/25). If you did not turn in a group project, you must turn in an individual video project. Changing test or experiments is a 10% deduction on the project grade.
Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Diagram
5min Students complete the Do Now by finding pulse and measuring their heart rate.
5min Students answer question 1 (What does blood circulate?). Group discussion and class sharing. Teacher asks guiding questions and provides background information.
10min Students measure and compare laying down vs standing heart rates. Students answer question 2 (Why does your heart rate increase when you stand up?) - using terms from cellular respiration. Group discussion and class sharing. Teacher asks guiding questions (What do your brain cells need? How do they get it?) and provides background information.
10min Students measure their heart rates immediately after 1 minute of exercise. Students answer question 3 (Why does your heart rate increase when exercise?) - using terms from cellular respiration. Group discussion and class sharing. Teacher asks guiding questions (Does exercise require more or less energy?) and provides background information.
10min Demonstration: Heart Rate (bpm) changes with exercise in real time.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.