Cycles of Matter: Merged Cycles


  • HW: Download and install Stop Motion Studio (free) on your phone or tablet. (Optional. Not required.)

  • CW: Complete merged Nitrogen & Carbon Cycle poster. With nitrogen cycle arrows in blue and carbon cycle arrows in red.

  • DN: What is stop motion animation? How is it done?

  • Reminder: Last day for Chuck-Ken Egg Extractor is TOMORROW (11/2) at lunch. No extensions will be given if time runs out. Show up before then to make sure you have enough time.


Stop Motion Studio App (Apple)

Stop Motion Studio App (Android)

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

10min Class discussion on how to make stop motion animations and required software/applications. Students view examples of student work.

5min Teacher explains how to make a merged Nitrogen and Carbon cycle poster.

20min Students draw the parts and labels of the Nitrogen and Carbon cycle. They then add arrows (nitrogen cycle arrows in blue and carbon cycle arrows in red) and color at the end.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


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