A Get To Know You Pop-Up
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HW: [1] Make Your Personal Pop-up Page POP (AKA Make it neat.) [2] Get an 8.5 x 11 One Subject Notebook
Lesson Outline
5min Demonstrate how to make a pop-up book template. Show examples. (Step by step examples on the board.)
5min Distribute materials.
5min< Students make their own pop-up book template.
15min Students add 1 ‘Like’ Illustration Pop-Up, 1 ‘Dislike’ Illustration Pop-Up, Name, and haiku. Add color to illustrations. Neatness counts.
10min Students share their likes and dislikes.
5min Complete self-survey on Google Classroom
5min Collect materials.
AIM: Students will practice the skills of making a 1-page Pop-Up book about themselves.
First Day: Rules & Expectations
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HW: Parent reads and signs the course outline
CW: Paragraph summary & annotations
EQ: What are the rules and expectations of the class?
Lesson Outline
5min Teacher assigns seats.
5min Students make a name plate out of paper. (Students keep till next Friday.)
15min Practice Reading for Comprehension Techniques with course outline for the first few paragraphs. Peer share, group share highlights and annotations.
15min Identification of safety equipment and location in the classroom. Overview the use of eyewash and fire extinguisher. Watch lab safety video.
5min Students join Google Classroom.
AIM: Students will become familiar with the rules and extra dictations of the class by reading & annotating the course outline; and writing a short summary paragraph.
Last Notebook Check
Reminders: [1] You must take the final or get a zero. If you missed it, you’ll have to make it up before the quarter ends. [2] Today the last day to turn in any missing projects and make up any quiz. [3] Turn in your notebooks.
20min Notebook Check.
20-30min View ReUse Project Commercials.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Exam
HW: Check your notebook is up to date.
DN: Grab a bubble sheet and start on your final immediately.
Reminders: [1] You must take the final or get a zero. If you missed it, you’ll have to make it up before the quarter ends. [2] Tomorrow is the last day to turn in any missing projects and make up any quiz.
40min Final Exam.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Review Games
HW: Review for your Final. (See last week’s posts for more review resources.)
DN: Which topic is the easiest for you? Which is the hardest?
Reminders: [1] You must take the final. If you miss it, you’ll have to make it up before the quarter to avoid getting a zero. [2] Turn in any missing projects and make up any quiz by Wednesday ( 5/15).
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the questions.
5min Reminders for the Week.
15min Review Game 1
15min Review Game 2 - Round 1
10min Review Game 2 - Round 2
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Review Week: Day 5 of 5
HW: Review for your Final
CW: Completed Final Review Worksheet #4
DN: Draw an energy pyramid. Label the trophic levels. And how much energy is at each level if the base level has 5000J.
Reminders: [1] You must take the final. If you are leaving early you can take it ahead of schedule. If you miss it, you’ll have to make it up before the quarter to avoid getting a zero. [2] Turn in any missing projects and make up any quiz by Wednesday ( 5/15).
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
25min Students complete Final Review Worksheet #4
5min Review answers as a class.
10min Plant Growth & Mile Running Diagrams. [1] Draw the CO2 and Sugar levels for a plant growing in an airtight container for 5 days and 25 days. [2] Draw the Sugar and Energy levels for a person who skipped breakfast at the start of the mile and near the end of the mile.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Review Week: Day 3 of 5
HW: Review for your Final
CW: Completed Final Review Minute Paper
DN: Make an INGO card
Reminders: [1] You must take the final. If you are leaving early you can take it ahead of schedule. If you miss it, you’ll have to make it up before the quarter to avoid getting a zero. [2] Turn in any missing projects and make up any quiz by next Wednesday ( 5/15).
5min Students complete the Do Now making an INGO card.
10min INGO
10min Students complete Final Review Minute Paper
5min Review answers with class.
10min ReUse Project Return. Students get their projects back to take back home. (Students that discard their projects will be penalized - deduction to their project score.)
5min INGO
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Final Review Week: Day 2 of 5
HW: Review for your Final
CW: Completed Final Review Worksheet #2
DN: Draw H2O. (Doodle and Simplified.)
Reminders: [1] You must take the final. If you are leaving early you can take it ahead of schedule. If you miss it, you’ll have to make it up before the quarter to avoid getting a zero. [2] Turn in any missing projects and make up any quiz by next Wednesday ( 5/15).
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
10min Practice Skills: Quick review on how to solve common chemistry problems.
20min Students complete Final Review Worksheet #2
5min Review answers with class.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Biodiversity: Quiz
HW: Work on your ReUse Project this week. Don’t forget photo-documentation (Pair projects are due this Friday.)
DN: What is the biodiversity for a desert with 1 cactus and 9 vultures?
Reminders: Take care of your plants. If you are done, turn it in.
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
10min Last minute review.
5min Teacher explains the different parts of the quiz.
20min Biodiversity Quiz
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Biodiversity: Review
HW: Work on your ReUse Project this week. Don’t forget photo-documentation (Pair projects are due this Friday.)
CW: My World’s Biodiversity
DN: Which banana was nearly wiped out and which is about to be wiped out by a singe disease, Gros Michel or Cavendish? Why?
Reminders: Take care of your plants. If you are done, turn it in.
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
10min My World’s Biodiversity. Students draw 10 organisms, with at least 4 different species, and a mix of plants and animals.
5min Students trade papers and calculate the biodiversity, D, of the world.
5min Students return papers and the owner checks their calculations.
5-10min Review Problems Practice. Teacher reveals problems and the screen, students compete to solve them first.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.