Chemistry: Balancing Formulas with Paper Molecules
HW: Projects are due today. Check previous posts for details.
CW: Complete Balancing Paper Molecules Poster.
DN: Pass Level 1 of the Balancing Chem RXN simulation in game mode.
Paper Balancing Poster Example
5min< Students complete the Do Now by answering in their notebooks.
5min> Students working in pairs write incomplete formulas on the front and back of 11x17 paper (glue two 11 x 8.5 sheets together at the edge).
15min Students working in pairs balance the first formula (_CH3OH + _O2 —› _CO2 + _H2O) or the second formal (_C2H5OH + _O2 —› _CO2 + _H2O) together using the paper molecules. Glue molecules and correct the formula. Indicate the number of Carbons, Oxygen, and Hydrogens before and after the reaction. Add color (all O’s the same color, etc
10min UpCycle Project Intro.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.