Chemistry: SMA Chemical Reactions
CW: Finished SMA Chemical Reactions via Google Classroom.
DN: Is making Jell-O a chemical or physical change?
5min< Students complete the Do Now.
5min Chemical Reactions SMA Instructions. Teacher outlines steps and difference between Solo (Google Slide Animations) and Pair (Stop Motion Studio) SMA.
25-30min Chemical Reactions SMA. Students make the parts for the animation and use those parts to show the steps of a chemical reactions (1. Molecules Breaking Apart, 2. Atoms Rearrange, and 3. New Molecules Form). Chemical Reactions: [A] 2 H2 + O2 turning into 2 H2O; [B] 2 NH3 turning into N2 + 3 H2; and [c] 2 NOH + H2 turning into N2 + 2 H2O. (Students animating using Google Slides work independently.)
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.