Chemistry: Atoms to Molecules (1 of 2)


  • CW: Completed Atom cut outs.

  • DN: Cut out atoms.

  • EQ: How do atoms connect to form molecules?


Periodic Table of Elements

Atoms, Bonds, & Molecules Handout

Atoms Paper Models (Lewis Dot) - Not Available Online


5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the questions in their notebooks.

10min Students cut out Lewis Dot structures for Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Carbon.

25-30min Paper model molecules. Students create, one at a time, the following molecules: H2O, CH4, O2, N2, CH2O, N2H2, C2H2, and CO2. Teacher offers suggestions, hints, and tips. Students hold up finished molecules to compare structures.

5min Teacher demonstrates how to draw simplified molecule structures using their paper model molecules as reference.

5min Students draw the simplified structures for their molecules on the Atoms, Bonds, & Molecules Handout.

5min Students share their answers on the board and the classroom verifies.

5min Students draw the simplified structures for H2O2 and C2H6 without making a paper model first on the Atoms, Bonds, & Molecules Handout.

5min Students share their answers on the board and the classroom verifies.

10min Student complete the handout by answering the questions on the back.

5min Class goes over the answers.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

AIM: Students will create models of molecules by bonding atoms together.


CER Practice: Earbuds & Hearing Loss


Chemistry: Introduction to Atoms