Chemistry: Reactions RXN
CW: [1] Finish notes, paragraph summary and margin questions for notes (p59). [2] RXN or No RXN Slideshow.
DN: What is fire?
Reminders: Hold on to your paper atoms - we will use them later.
RXN or No RXN Slideshow (Schoology)
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering questions in their notebooks.
10min> Chemical Reaction Notes. Teacher shows a model of a chemical reaction. Students discuss in groups and break down the reaction into steps. Class discussion.
10min> Chemical Reaction Notes (continued). Teacher provides examples for each sign of a reaction. Students share observations of reactions from previous experiences.
10min> Students complete paragraph summaries and margin questions and then share with the class.
5min< RXN or No RXN slideshow. Students identify signs of a chemical reaction and determine if a chemical RXN occurred for multiple examples. Class discussion.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.