Ecosystems: Energy & Populations


  • HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

  • CW: Gore-Killa Islands Handout with paragraph summary.

  • DN: How many people can live on earth? (Then start making Trophic Levels Pop-Up (p24).

  • Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday via schoology. Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


Trophic Levels & Energy Pyramids (Gore-Killa Islands)

Trophic Levels Pop-Up (Copies available in class)


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

5min Finish assembling Trophic Levels Pop-Up (p24).

10min Teacher demonstrates how to calculate energy and populations.

10min Students finish the Gore-Killa Islands handout by determining how many Gore-Killas and Too-Kens can live on each island; drawing them; and then explaining why there is a difference in the Gore-Killa populations (include the terms: producer, primary consumer, energy, 10%, and more/less).

5min Discussion on population and sustainability.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


Ecosystems: Food Web, Chain, & Trophic Levels Review


Ecosystems: Imaginary Food Web