Ecosystems: Food Web, Chain, & Trophic Levels Review


  • HW: [1] Study for your quiz. (Reread the notes twice, Quiz yourself, Summarize, Explain to Someone Else, Make an Idea Map, Make Flashcards, Complete Handouts Again, etc.) [2] Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

  • CW: Completed Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions worksheet.

  • DN: How will you prepare for the next quiz?

  • Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due TOMORROW via schoology. Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions

Sea Otter, Sea Urchin, Kelp Population Chart Explained


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

5min Quick discussion between studying and staring. (Studying is making flashcards, having people quiz you, practicing by making food webs, writing a summary, drawing a diagram.)

10min Students start on Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions worksheet.

5min> Watch Dead Stuff: The Secret Ingredient in Our Food Chain video.

5min Overview question 9 step-by-step.

10min Overview question 10 step-by-step.

5min> Watch The Threat of Invasive Species video.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


Ecosystems: Invasive Species (Good vs Bad Presentations)


Ecosystems: Energy & Populations