Quiz: Trophic Levels


  • HW: [1] Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday (10/15). [2] Fix your Invasive Species Slides.

  • DN: Review for your quiz.

  • Reminders: If you need help editing or filming please come in at lunch. We have people who can help as well as equipment you can use.


Presentation Slides: Bad Example, Good Example 1, & Good Example 2.

Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

15min Trophic Levels Quiz.

5min How to Present. Quick overview on strategies for presenting well even if you’re nervous.

15min Invasive Species Presentations. Students give a ‘Good’ presentation on an invasive species (Lion Fish, Zebra Mussels, Cats, Pigeons, Pythons - the ones in Florida, Feral Pigs, Fire Ants, or Cane Toads). All slides must include a URL to show the origin of the information.

Title and Names of Group Members
1. Invasive Species Scientific Name
2.Origin (Where did it come from?)
3. Current Location (Where is it now?)
4. Why?/How? (How did it get there?)
5. Damage 1 (How is it hurting animals, crops, buildings, etc.?)
6. Damage 2 (How is it hurting animals, crops, buildings, etc.?)
7. Solutions/Control (How do we keep to population in check?)

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.


MiniLab: Reaction Speed


Ecosystems: Invasive Species (Good vs Bad Presentations)