MiniLab: Reaction Speed
HW: Finish Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday (10/15).
CW: Completed Reaction Speed (Fall Distance) MiniLab Report.
DN: How do you know if you have quick reflexes?
MiniLab Blank Template Handout
5min Students complete the Do Now.
10min Teacher outlines the procedure for the MiniLab. One student will drop a ruler and the other will catch it at different distances between their finger and thumb (gap).
15min Students collect fall distance data. (Gap between fingers: 3cm, 5cm, 7cm, and 10cm.)
5min Students calculate the averages.
5min Students determine the independent variable, dependent variable, constants, hypothesis, and title.
5min Students plot their data; add an appropriate trendline; complete an analysis; and make a prediction for an untested distance. (Try 12cm.)
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.