Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Food Web, Chain, & Trophic Levels Review

HW: [1] Study for your quiz. (Reread the notes twice, Quiz yourself, Summarize, Explain to Someone Else, Make an Idea Map, Make Flashcards, Complete Handouts Again, etc.) [2] Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

CW: Completed Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions worksheet.

DN: How will you prepare for the next quiz?

Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due TOMORROW via schoology. Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


  • HW: [1] Study for your quiz. (Reread the notes twice, Quiz yourself, Summarize, Explain to Someone Else, Make an Idea Map, Make Flashcards, Complete Handouts Again, etc.) [2] Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

  • CW: Completed Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions worksheet.

  • DN: How will you prepare for the next quiz?

  • Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due TOMORROW via schoology. Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions

Sea Otter, Sea Urchin, Kelp Population Chart Explained


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

5min Quick discussion between studying and staring. (Studying is making flashcards, having people quiz you, practicing by making food webs, writing a summary, drawing a diagram.)

10min Students start on Food Web, Food Chain, & Trophic Level Questions worksheet.

5min> Watch Dead Stuff: The Secret Ingredient in Our Food Chain video.

5min Overview question 9 step-by-step.

10min Overview question 10 step-by-step.

5min> Watch The Threat of Invasive Species video.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Energy & Populations

HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

CW: Gore-Killa Islands Handout with paragraph summary.

DN: How many people can live on earth? (Then start making Trophic Levels Pop-Up (p24).

Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday via schoology. Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


  • HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

  • CW: Gore-Killa Islands Handout with paragraph summary.

  • DN: How many people can live on earth? (Then start making Trophic Levels Pop-Up (p24).

  • Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due Tuesday via schoology. Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


Trophic Levels & Energy Pyramids (Gore-Killa Islands)

Trophic Levels Pop-Up (Copies available in class)


Lesson Outline

5min Students complete the Do Now.

5min Finish assembling Trophic Levels Pop-Up (p24).

10min Teacher demonstrates how to calculate energy and populations.

10min Students finish the Gore-Killa Islands handout by determining how many Gore-Killas and Too-Kens can live on each island; drawing them; and then explaining why there is a difference in the Gore-Killa populations (include the terms: producer, primary consumer, energy, 10%, and more/less).

5min Discussion on population and sustainability.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Imaginary Food Web

HW: Work on your Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

CW: Imaginary Food Web MiniPoster. Complete your Imaginary Food Web with 3 Producers, 3 Primary Consumers, 2 Secondary Consumers, and 1 Tertiary Consumers from your imagination for a specific environment. Color, label and add arrows to complete your food web. Use the entire sheet of paper. (Note: You don’t have to create a landscape, one drawing of each organism is sufficient.) Quality matters.

DN: What are 3 primary consumers that live in the forest?

Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due date is this TUESDAY (10/8). Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


  • HW: Work on your Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects.

  • CW: Imaginary Food Web MiniPoster. Complete your Imaginary Food Web with 3 Producers, 3 Primary Consumers, 2 Secondary Consumers, and 1 Tertiary Consumers from your imagination for a specific environment. Color, label and add arrows to complete your food web. Use the entire sheet of paper. (Note: You don’t have to create a landscape, one drawing of each organism is sufficient.) Quality matters.

  • DN: What are 3 primary consumers that live in the forest?

  • Reminders: Group Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Projects due date is this TUESDAY (10/8). Late group projects will not be accepted, group members will have to turn in separate individual project videos.


Imaginary Food Web Example

Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now by answering the question in their notebook.

5min Teacher outlines instructions for Imaginary Food Web Poster and shows examples. Students are creating an imaginary food web that fits a theme of their choice (e.g. Halloween, Dessert, Baseball, etc.) However ‘Fire’ theme is banned.

15min Students draw (with pencil) 3 Producers, 3 Primary Consumers, 2 Secondary Consumers, and 1 Tertiary Consumer that are imaginary and go with their theme.

15min Students finish by adding color, arrows, labels, title, and names to their imaginary food web.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Trophic Cascade Effects

HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Project. (No repeat examples.)

CW: Completed Trophic Cascade - Wolves & Sea Otters worksheet.

DN: What is a tertiary consumer?

Reminders: [1] Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8). [2] Late Wheel Projects are due Friday.


  • HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Project. (No repeat examples.)

  • CW: Completed Trophic Cascade - Wolves & Sea Otters worksheet.

  • DN: What is a tertiary consumer?

  • Reminders: [1] Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8). [2] Late Wheel Projects are due Friday.


Completed Trophic Cascade - Wolves & Sea Otters worksheet


Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now by answering questions.

5min< Watch How Wolves Change Rivers video.

5min Mark worksheet indicating which species increased or decreased in population.

5min Teacher demonstrates how to draw food webs based on population (bigger letters for bigger numbers).

5min Students draw new food web that includes wolves.

10min Students explain the changes to the wolves population and add a new line that shows changes to the deer populations during the same time.

5min Watch Army of Sea Urchins & Forest Guardians videos.

5min Complete drawings before (w/o otters) and after (w/ otters).

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Ecosystems Gachuzee Ecosystems Gachuzee

Ecosystems: Food Webs, Food Chains, & Trophic Cascades

HW: Work on ecosystem vocabulary project.

CW: [1] Completed note handouts on page 23 and 25 of the notebook. [2] Completed diagram and food chain/web on page 22. [3] Completed paragraph summary (p25) and 3 margin questions.

DN: Take copies of handouts and glue into notebook.

Reminders: Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8)


  • HW: Work on Ecosystem Vocabulary Video Project.

  • CW: [1] Completed note handouts on page 23 and 25 of the notebook. [2] Completed diagram and food chain/web on page 22. [3] Completed paragraph summary (p25) and 3 margin questions.

  • DN: Take copies of handouts and glue into notebook.

  • Reminders: [1] Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to work in pairs. Group Project is Due TUESDAY (10/8). [2] Late Wheel Projects are due Friday.


Food Webs, Food Chains, & Trophic Levels Diagram

Food Webs, Food Chains, & Trophic Levels Notes Handouts

Lesson Outline

5min> Students complete the Do Now.

20min Food Web, Food Chains, Trophic Cascades Notes.

5min Complete Food Web, Food Chains, Trophic Cascades Diagram.

5min> Glue handouts and diagrams into the notebook.

5min Use completed diagram to write paragraph summary.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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