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Biodiversity: CER

CW: Completed CER on Bananas.

DN: Read the article on Bananas.

Reminders: Don’t forget to bring your paper animals and/or flower models


  • CW: Completed CER on Bananas.

  • DN: Read the article on Bananas.

  • Reminders: Don’t forget to bring your paper animals and/or flower models.


Bananas & Biodiversity Article Link

Biodiversity Calculations & CER Handout


5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

10min Class read the and annotate Bananas Article (technically and edited excerpt from Never out of Season).

5min Watch Banana Videos.

5min> Students write the outline for the Claim using the ABC method.

5min> Students convert Claim outline into a full sentence. Students share claims.

5min> Students write outline for Evidence and find supporting text using the ABC method.

5min> Students convert Evidence outline into a full sentence. Students share evidence.

5min> Students write the outline for the Reasoning using the ABC method.

5min> Students convert Reasoning outline into a full sentence. Students share reasoning.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Biodiversity: Practice Problems

HW: Finish Biodiversity Practice Problems.

CW: [1] Biodiversity Practice Problems. [2] Paper Animals.

DN: Is “D = 0.88,” good or bad biodiversity? Why?


  • HW: Finish Biodiversity Practice Problems.

  • CW: [1] Biodiversity Practice Problems. [2] Paper Animals.

  • DN: Is “D = 0.88,” good or bad biodiversity? Why?


Biodiversity Practice Problems


5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

10min Biodiversity Practice Problems. Students use examples (notebook p70 & 72) to calculate the biodiversity in different communities.

5min Review answers with class.

15-20min Preparation of Paper Communities for Wednesday’s activity.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Biodiversity: Potatoes

CW: [1] Potato Video Notes p70 [2] Potato Biodiversity Calculations p72.

DN: What are three types of diversity?


  • CW: [1] Potato Video Notes p70 [2] Potato Biodiversity Calculations p72.

  • DN: What are three types of diversity?


Potato Biodiversity Europe vs South America

Low Biodiversity Example Drawing & Calculations


5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.

5min> Video 1. Student write down facts from the video p70.

5min> Video 2. Student write down facts from the video p70.

5min> Video 3. [First 5min Only] Student write down facts from the video p20.

5min Biodiversity Example Drawings and Calculations. Students calculate the biodiversity for a desert area (p72).

5min Potato Biodiversity Drawings and Calculations for Europe vs S. America. Students calculate the biodiversity for a potato farm in Europe and S. America during the Potato Famine caused by blight (p72). Why did blight destroy most of the potatoes in Europe but not South America?

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: Deforestation

CW/HW: Deforestation Presentation Slideshow

DN: Why can’t we live without plants?

Reminders: Finish your ReUse Projects.


  • CW/HW: Deforestation Presentation Slideshow

  • DN: Why can’t we live without plants?

  • Reminders: Finish your ReUse Projects.



5min Students complete the Do Now.

10min Updates & Reminders on: [1] how to take pictures of your plants that’ll be sprouting soon; [2] taking photo documentation for ReUse project; and[3] how to make good slideshows for presentations (Bad Example, Good Example 1, & Good Example 2).

5min Deforestation Presentation Slideshow Instructions.

Slide 1: Title & Your Name
Slide 2-3: Benefits of Trees
Slide 4: Define Deforestation (look it up.)
Slide 5: Where is deforestation happening? 
Slide 6-7: Why is deforestation happening? (NUMBERS and it isn't because we want the trees.)
Slide 8: How much land is being used for meat? How is this inefficient use of our resources?
Slide 9: More facts. (NUMBERS)
Slide 10-11: How can people help prevent deforestation and why does it matter?

15-20min Deforestation Presentation Slideshow Completions. Students research deforestation using the provided video resources then complete the slideshow.

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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Uncategorized Gachuzee Uncategorized Gachuzee

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration: What-Ifs

CW: [1] Complete What-Ifs Illustration in notebook (p66). [2] Completed Think & Explain Cell. Resp.

DN: Why can’t you hold your breath forever?

Reminders: Start working on your ReUse Project.


  • CW: [1] Complete What-Ifs Illustration in notebook (p64). [2] Completed Think & Explain Cell. Resp.

  • DN: Why can’t you hold your breath forever?

  • Reminders: Start on your ReUse Project.


ReUse Project Handout (v2.4)

What-Ifs (Holding Breath 5min) Illustration

Think & Explain Cellular Respiration Handout


5min Students complete the Do Now.

10min What-Ifs (Holding Breath) Illustration p64 of notebook.

15min Think & Explain Cellular Respiration Handout. Teacher introduces and class completes the first section together. Students work independently and then class reviews answers.

10min What If You Didn’t Eat Breakfast Before A Marathon?

5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.

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