Ecosystems: Introduction
HW: Finish Spreadsheet Practice and turn in (via schoology).
CW: Notebook margin questions (3) on p17, completed diagram on p16, and paragraph summary on p16.
DN: Label Do Now pages 10-14 and glue diagram onto page 16 of notebook.
EQ: What is an ecosystem?
Reminders: Wheel Projects are due Monday (9/30) with no penalty. Test your design at lunch or snack. (If you make your own design, make sure to bring your design with clear instructions on how to make your wheel for full credit.)
HW: Finish Spreadsheet Practice and turn in (via schoology).
CW: Notebook margin questions (3) on p17, completed diagram on p16, and paragraph summary on p16.
DN: Label Do Now pages 10-14 and glue diagram onto page 16 of notebook.
EQ: What is an ecosystem?
Reminders: Wheel Projects are due Monday (9/30) with no penalty. Test your design at lunch or snack. (If you make your own design, make sure to bring your design with clear instructions on how to make your wheel for full credit.)
5min Students complete the Do Now by labeling their notebooks.
5min Teacher explains how to organize notebooks with extended margins for questions.
15min Complete notes on pages 17 and 19.
5min Complete diagram on page 16.
5min< Use the completed diagram to write summary paragraph.
5min< Writing margin questions, 3 minimum.
5min Share margin questions and paragraph summaries.
5min Clean up. Wrap up.
How to Use Spreadsheets
HW: Finish More Exercises (on Schoology).
CW: Completed Spreadsheet Practice (on Google Schoology).
EQ: How do you create a table and chart with a trendline?
Reminder: [1] Safety quiz retakes on Friday. CER & Experiments quiz retakes next week. [2] Wheel Project due on Monday (9/30) without penalty. No more partners. And yes, you can still do your own design (make sure to turn in your design when your wheel works).
HW: Finish More Exercises (on Schoology).
CW: Completed Spreadsheet Practice (on Google Schoology).
EQ: How do you create a table and chart with a trendline?
Reminder: [1] Safety quiz retakes on Friday. CER & Experiments quiz retakes next week. [2] Wheel Project due on Monday (9/30) without penalty. No more partners. And yes, you can still do your own design (make sure to turn in your design when your wheel works).
5min Practice using Autofill.
5min< Practice finding sums and averages.
5min< Practice entering formulas..
5min< Practice creating charts and adding trendlines.
Complete Wheel Project first and then start on spreadsheet practice.
5min Students start on assignment (via schoology).
5min Put away Chromebooks. Clean up. Wrap up.
AIM: Students will practice using spreadsheets and become familiar with basic skills including creating tables and charts.
Engineering Project: The Wheel (2 of 3)
CW: Paper Wheel Design. (14” diameter and 1” wide).
DN: Continue assembling your wheels.
Reminder: Wheels will be tested on Monday (groups). ALL WHEEL PROJECT WORK HAS TO BE DONE IN CLASS.
CW: Paper Wheel Design. (14” diameter and 1” wide).
DN: Continue assembling your wheels.
Reminder: [1] Wheels will be tested on Monday (groups). ALL WHEEL PROJECT WORK HAS TO BE DONE IN CLASS. [2] Grade updates this weekend.
20-25min Students continue work on their wheel projects.
10min Students who have completed assembly should do some test rolls IN CLASS on the floor and make adjustments. (Students must write their names on their wheels.)
5min Wheel Tests. The wheels must roll straight-ish down 15ft of black top (starting from the concrete walkway). The wheel can’t be airborne or assisted by the wind. Each group gets two attempts. Successful wheels are collected and unsuccessful wheels/designs must be modified before they are tested again. (Some students must make new wheels with the same or different designs.)
5min Clean-up. (Students wipe glue stains off tables.)
Engineering Project: The Wheel (1 of 3)
CW: Paper Wheel Design. (14” diameter and 1” wide).
DN: Take out and finish designs.
Reminder: [1] Safety & Policy quiz retakes on Friday (P1 & P3). [2] ALL WHEEL PROJECT WORK HAS TO BE DONE IN CLASS.
CW: Paper Wheel Design. (14” diameter and 1” wide).
DN: Take out and finish designs.
Reminder: [1] Safety & Policy quiz retakes on Friday (P1 & P3). [2] ALL WHEEL PROJECT WORK HAS TO BE DONE IN CLASS.
5min Students complete the Do Now.
5min Teacher introduces the design challenge and construction techniques.
10min The Wheel Design: Students design a wheel with a diameter of 14 inches and width of 1 inch that is constructed out of regular letter size paper and glue only. Students must indicate accurate details on how to construct the wheel. (Essentially you should be able to give it to a complete stranger and they should be able to make it.)
Alternative: Students can choose to follow the Donut Wheel Design for a slightly lower grade.
5min Wheel Design Evaluation and approval. Students get their designs approved and then decide which design they will follow.
10min Wheel Construction Continued. Students complete their builds.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Wednesday Quiz
CW: Paper Wheel Design. (14” diameter and 1” wide).
Do Now: Review for CER & Experimental Design Quiz.
Reminders: Safety & Policy quiz retakes on Friday (P1 & P3) and Thursday (P5 & P6) at lunch.
CW: Paper Wheel Design. (14” diameter and 1” wide).
Do Now: Review for CER & Experimental Design Quiz.
Reminders: Safety & Policy quiz retakes on Friday (P1 & P3) and Thursday (P5 & P6) at lunch.
5min Students complete the Do Now.
15min CER & Experimental Design Quiz.
15min Paper Wheel Design. Detail how the main parts of your wheel are made. Note the wheel must be made from normal paper and glue with a minimum of 14” diameter and 1” width.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.