Continental Drift: Fossil Puzzle
CW: [1] Correctly assembled Fossil Puzzle glued onto separate sheet of paper with a touch of color. [2] Finish Continental Drift Island Match Slideshow and turn in via schoology.
DN: What is Pangea?
CW: [1] Correctly assembled Fossil Puzzle glued onto separate sheet of paper with a touch of color. [2] Finish Continental Drift Island Match Slideshow and turn in via schoology.
DN: What is Pangea?
Fossil Evidence Continent Puzzle
5min Students complete the Do Now.
10-15min Plate Tectonics Quiz.
15-20min Fossil Evidence Continent Puzzle. Students cut out pieces. Students use the fossil evidence to arrange the puzzle pieces. Glue, colour, and title.
10min [Finish from yesterday.] Continental Drift Island Match Slideshow. Students use the evidence they collected to figure out how the islands fitted together in the past. (The edges don’t have to fit perfectly. Mountains must line up.)
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.
Continental Drift: The Game
CW/HW: [1] Complete the Continental Drift Island Match Handout [2] Finish Continental Drift Island Match Slideshow and turn in via Google Classroom
DN: When is your midterm? And what will it cover?
Reminder: Turn in late Projects by Monday. If you do the extra credit, you’ll break even.
CW/HW: [1] Complete the Continental Drift Island Match Handout [2] Finish Continental Drift Island Match Slideshow and turn in via Google Classroom
DN: When is your midterm? And what will it cover?
Reminder: Turn in late Projects by Monday. If you do the extra credit, you’ll break even.
Continental Drift Game Direct Link
Continental Drift Island Match Handout
5min Students complete the Do Now by answering the question.
5min Teacher outlines how to play the Continental Drift game and fill out the Continental Drift Island Match handout by recording information about the evidence found at each site, marking the locations of mountains, finding the age and composition of the mountains, and recording the layers of core samples, and locations of glacial till.
15-20min Students play the game and complete the worksheet.
10min Continental Drift Island Match Slideshow. Students use the evidence they collected to figure out how the islands fitted together in the past. (The edges don’t have to fit perfectly. Mountains must line up.)
5min Clean up. Wrap up.
Plate Tectonics: StopMotion Animation
HW: Review for quiz.
CW: Plate Tectonics StopMotion Animation turned in via schoology.
DN: Which way is convection? (Tectonic plate is going right.)
HW: Review for quiz.
CW: Plate Tectonics StopMotion Animation turned in via schoology.
DN: Which way is convection? (Tectonic plate is going right.)
5min Students complete the Do Now by describing the particles of a solid and a gas.
5min Teacher organizes students into pairs for access to technology.
10-15min Plate Tectonics StopMotion Animation. Working in pairs or groups of three, students complete animate two tectonic plates (made from Play-Doh) above the mantle (orange construction paper) and two convection currents (paper circles with arrows) underneath in the mantle.
Animation Sequence:
Title (5pics) - ‘Plate Tectonics’ with all names underneath.
Convergent w/o Subduction (20pics) - Show large mountain formation. Don’t tilt the plates have them smoosh together to make mountains.
Convergent with Subduction (20pics) - Show small mountain and trench formation. The plate on top will form a mountain as the other goes under.
Divergent (10pics) - Don’t forget to change the direction of the convection.
Turn in via schoology.
5min Review videos.
5min Clean up. Wrap up.
Plate Tectonics: Review
CW/HW: [1] 16 Flashcards [2] OPTIONAL - BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) with Stop Motion Studio app already installed.
DN: Where do mountains form?
Reminder: [1] Projects are due today. [2] Quiz on Wednesday.
CW/HW: [1] 16 Flashcards [2] OPTIONAL - BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) with Stop Motion Studio app already installed.
DN: Where do mountains form?
Reminder: [1] Projects are due today. [2] Quiz on Wednesday.
5min Students complete the Do Now.
10min INGO. (Mountain/Volcano, Subduction, Lower Mantle, Inner Core, Outer Core, Ridges, Convergent, Earthquakes, Upper Mantles, Divergent, Convection, Trench, Thermal Vent, Outer Core, Tsunami/Tidal Wave, Tectonic Plate, Crust, Transform)
10min Flashcards. Turn INGO game sheet into flashcards.
15min Layers of the Food. Draw an Avocado, Stone Fruit (Peach), Hard Boiled Egg, or Kiwi. Label the Crust, Mantle, and Core.
5min Collect materials. Clean up. Wrap up.